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Different Stages.. Different Me..

As I look back on the changes I’ve gone through in these past 49 years of my life, yes.. oh God, 49!! how on earth did that happen? I clearly remember turning 40 not too long ago.  But you better believe it, there is zero sadness in my heart and soul.  I love being the age I am, and I’m so excited to be turning 50 in September.  Maybe I’m not your average woman when it comes to my relationship with aging.  I love everything about aging, I love seeing my children grow up and become all I had wished for them.  To see my little angels become the amazing adults I knew they would be.  But back to me and aging.. I’m thankful for every single year I have been blessed with.  I can sum it up so easily, and it goes like this: 20’s were the I have to be someone other than myself stage.  I don’t regret anything, but I know I was too complacent with always pleasing others and putting myself last.  30’s, oh goodness, did I even live through my 30’s?, yes I did, and they were bittersweet.  The joy in them was being home to raise my 3 kids; which, was also the bad part, giving my children everything and secluding myself of any me time.  Although, I have to give my husband a lot of credit, he was a true angel and a true partner in being there with me through thick and thin.  Okay, and jumping to my 40’s.. Lord have Mercy!! my 40’s.. I found myself again, I found my joy, I opened doors I never knew I’d open. Like a Phoenix I was born from the ashes, ok that was a bit dramatic; there were no ashes.  But honestly, my kids grew up, all of a sudden  I had lots and lots of time on my hands.  Time on your hands can be amazing!, some of the things that can happened to me with free time:  Found a new appreciation and love for Exercise,  lost a nice amount of weight,  became  Vegetarian,  joined Garden Club, became one of those Juicing fanatics, made videos of myself Juicing and put them on Youtube., and the list goes on and on.. plus, last but not least; made amazing new friends!!.. and to all this I can only say, 50 looks amazing from where I’m standing at..  Aging is very welcomed here.

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