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my love for the Great Outdoors

One of my greatest joys is being outdoors.  We recently found new friends, or rather made new friends of friends, through the wonders of Facebook.  Somehow I believe God, or the Universe, or whatever is greater than all of us. Bring us the right people at the right time, and so it came to be that we would enjoy the fun activity called Hiking. I went out and got hiking boots, backpack and hiking pants.  We’ve been to many a hike with our new group of friends. Our group is called “the outdoors group” and it’s made up of all cultures, all genders, all ages. It’s a great group and we so enjoy every outing with our hiking group. I challenge you to go out and find groups were you find yourself engaged with like minded people, and activities that fill your heart with joy. Friends are a blessing and they keep us young at heart. Go out and make great friends. It’s trial and error, but it’s never the end,. Keep searching and letting go of those that aren’t a good fit, while keeping those that make you happy to know them. Best wishes!!

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