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Party Animals

Dancing Machine…


My husband has become a genuine Dancing Machine!.. it wasn’t always that way.  Or I wasn’t aware of this till now.  We went through many years of just being mom and dad to our three kids, and pretty much out of the whole party scene.  We paid our dues during the early parenting years.  And now we find ourselves parents to three grown children, the youngest being 18, which pretty much makes him an adult; so, yes indeed we are free from being needed as much as we used to be.  It’s been slowly creeping on us.  Little by little, one child grew and got a job, went to college. Then the second one followed in the same steps, and before you know it we were home alone more and more.

Something you might already have heard is how important it is to keep your relationship growing and becoming stronger through the years.  There’s nothing more sad than children growing and you as a couple realize you’ve become disconnected, and no longer have a reason to be together.  Since day one, my husband and I knew our kids where ours for a short period of time.  Just visitors that will someday leave us, just for the same reason we left our very own families once upon a time.  In all truth, I pray they will someday leave and find just as much happiness as their papa and I.

So, back to my Dancing Machine story.  I love the fact that we enjoy each others company so much, it’s incredible to me just how in love we still are after these 26 years of up and down and in between.  I adore my Dancing Machine and he surprises me more and more, on just how long he can go on dancing.  Those little dancing feet don’t tire one bit!, it’s usually me begging for a break.  I’m happy we are where we are, and I thank God and life for the beautiful bond between my love and I.


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