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Come on in, get comfy and get ready to be Happy.

Hello beautiful readers.  I’d like to start by introducing myself to you my valued reader and friend.  I am Patty, I live in California with my sweet little family.  Made up of a husband I much love, and three children I also quite love a bunch. One daughter, who means the world to me, and two sons who come near close to my fascination with my daughter.  More to come on that.  If you have children, you well know there is a certain difference between daughters and sons.  Well, in my case there is.  Not to say any of them any less.  I actually have a very special place in my heart for my sons, and I think they know it.

I want you to know this is a place for happiness, laughter, and sharing life experiences.  I welcome your kind words, and hope to build a beautiful connection as we travel down this blogging path together.  I’m happy to be here and you will too.  My life motto is simple, and pretty much based on Dr. Wayne Dyers quote  “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change” and while I’m at it why not the one that says “Be Miserable. Or motivate yourself. What ever has to be done, it’s always your choice”. Yes I admit without any shame, I am a product of many Oprah shows, and the great motivators she presented to the world.  Credit where credit is due, she did transform my life for the better, that wonderful Ms. O.

So let’s get started on having a more Happiness filled life!!!!!!

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