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One life, live it your way.

Well, it’s been a few challenging days of trying to get this blog up and running.  I almost laugh at the many hours spent looking at the screen and trying to figure out just how to launch my new baby out into the world wide web.  Clicking every possible tab, using every possible live chat.  Crossing my fingers that it will finally work and that the world may see these words that I’ve keyed in with so much love.  Moral of the story for today. Never give up.  We are given one single shot at life, make it a good one for yourself.  Move on even when you want to throw in the towel.  There is always an end result, and there is always a light; shining in the distance for us to reach.  I’m going to keep trying and looking around this blog starter page.. and hopefully really soon my people.. I will find the Golden button that says 1..2..3.. LAUNCH!!!!!!!

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