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Love and Being in Love




Plain and Simple, I will always be a romantic.  I’m in love with the beauty of being in love, and more when you find someone to value and cherish you as I have.  So loving my spouse is easy because he responds so well to being loved and cared for.  Every relationship is unique in the sense that each couple has their own Love ways.  But one thing will always be proven to be true, in life and love; What you give is what you get.  The love you give will always come back.  Unless you are with a totally unresponsive idiot, than out of that situation you must run!!  If you give and give and nothing is coming back your way, then I do not recommend waiting around.  Life is short, go out and find true love.


Start by loving yourself completely as you are.  You have to love yourself first, in order to have the ability to love someone else fully.  When you walking around feeling bad about yourself, you will walk around with dark goggles, seeing the worst in the world and in others.  When someone doesn’t love the person they see in the mirror, they turn into someone that goes through life critiquing and seeing the worst in people.  Start by loving yourself today.  Forgive the bad, forgive the not so fit image you see in the mirror.  See yourself for what you are, a Miracle, a blessing to the world.  Love yourself, and then you will see everything around you beautiful.  Love is Everything.

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